Estimated delivery time:
Delivery (DHL / GLS / UPS) | Mo, 10.03 - Th, 13.03 |
The Mateo collection is a perfect addition for everyone who loves warm and original interiors. Inspired by natural patterns and earth colours, it will be perfect for the living room, kids room, bedroom or hallway.
Why Mateo Collection is the right choice? Here are the main advantages:
- in the production the two types of fibers were used - polypropylene and polyester shrink; - it's very soft to the touch because the new "Soft Touch" type of fibers that were used in the production; - two hights of pile make the carpets and rugs have an interesting structure, which makes their appearance more natural; - patterns and colours inspired by a natural motif that can be easily adapted to any room; - the offer includes rectangular and round carpets as well as rugs. So you can buy a whole set of products that will work great in larger rooms.
Darmowa dostawa od 150zł
Na produkt dajemy 24 miesiące gwarancji - gwarancja obejmuje materiał, zamki oraz szwy. Gwarancja nie obejmuje granulatu, który z naturalnych powodów ulega zbiciu, dlatego produkty z granulatem należy okresowo uzupełniać.
Każdy produkt można zwrócić w ciągu 14 dni od daty jego otrzymania bez podania przyczyny.
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