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Get closer to nature by using animal themes in your home
Rugs imitating animal skin are, contrary to appearances, very popular and fashionable interior decorations. They introduce a very cozy atmosphere and constitute a tasteful decoration. Most importantly, however, no animal suffered any damage in the production of these rugs. The rugs are made entirely of synthetic fibers, which is also important for people with allergies. Animal motifs are perfect for interiors that until now seemed a bit austere. The living room, bedroom or dressing room will become much cozier. The rug will emphasize a modern interior beautifully, but it will also work great as an emphasis on a rustic interior.Characteristic features of rugs - faux cowhide:- They are made of 100% polyester, no animal suffered during production; - Beautiful, intense colours are resistant to fading and abrasion thanks to the use of modern production techniques; - Synthetic fibers are safe for allergy sufferers and children; - The short pile are very easy to clean. Regular vacuuming will keep the product looking impeccable for years; - They have the OEKO-TEX certificate, which confirms the composition is safe for people and the environment; - They are also perfect for using underfloor heating;Respecting nature is an extremely important. A collection of rugs imitating cowhide allows you to live in harmony with nature and enjoy natural motifs at home. In addition, it's an original addition that will surely delight not only household members, but also guests.
Make your apartment closer to nature. Synthetic rugs imitating cowhide will help you with this!
Darmowa dostawa od 150zł
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Każdy produkt można zwrócić w ciągu 14 dni od daty jego otrzymania bez podania przyczyny.
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