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Modern rug - original designMinimalistic room designs make our home seem to be chilly. Maybe it's time to consider adding something that would warm up your home. One of the better ideas is a modern rug with an original design that stands out from other models. The modern rugs we offer are an opportunity to buy a high-quality product that will last for many years.A modern rug with tasselsRugs with an interesting pattern becomes the main element in any room. It immediately catches the eye with its marble, geometric or worn pattern. Additional advantages of the product we offer are:- very good quality due to used materials - polypropylene and the addition of polyester. Both materials are chemically resistant, do not absorb water and are resistant to abrasion - tassels make the rug more attractive; - two heights of fibers make the rug original and soft; - it has a high grammage, which makes it resistant to damage and deformation of the material.It would look great in living room as well as in the bedroom.
Darmowa dostawa od 150zł
Na produkt dajemy 24 miesiące gwarancji - gwarancja obejmuje materiał, zamki oraz szwy. Gwarancja nie obejmuje granulatu, który z naturalnych powodów ulega zbiciu, dlatego produkty z granulatem należy okresowo uzupełniać.
Każdy produkt można zwrócić w ciągu 14 dni od daty jego otrzymania bez podania przyczyny.
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