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Take your apartment to a new dimension of modernity with DE LUXE rugs
A rug is an element of decor that can completely change the character of an interior. Classic interiors can take on a slightly more contemporary flavor, while to modern ones they can introduce a bit of peace and harmony. The DE LUXE rugs collection is a tribute to classic patterns in a very modern edition. Expressive colours combined with interesting decorations will bring warmth and a cozy atmosphere to the interior. The combination of interesting design and functionality will delight everyone. The structure of the rug is made of two heights of fibers. This effect makes the rug a remarkable addition to any interior. Walking barefoot on such a rug gives the impression of a foot massage, making it easier to relax after a hard day.Characteristic features of the DE LUXE rug:- A beautiful pattern in combination with expressive colours will add style and extravagance to the interior; - It's made of 100% polyester - a material that is resistant to mechanical damage and kneading; - The two levels of fibers, 7 and 12 mm long, are very easy to clean - regular vacuuming is enough for the rug to maintain its impeccable appearance; - Depending on the angle of sunlight, the shade of the rug may slightly change. In addition, polyester fibers in the sun give a shine effect; - The product is completely safe for people with allergies, children and even the environment, which is guaranteed by the OEKO-TEX certificate; - It is also perfect for using underfloor heating - so it is a good choice for literally any interior.Rugs from the DE LUXE collection are the perfect way to introduce a bit of modernity and luxury in the living room, bedroom, wardrobe, hall or even the kitchen. It is a perfect solution for people who love glamour, art deco or rustic styles. The addition of a rug in each of them will work great and guests and household members will be delighted not only with the interesting pattern, but most of all with the comfort it gives.
We love modern rugs from the DE LUXE collection, check if you like them too!
Darmowa dostawa od 150zł
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